1. Order summary
  2. Review order
  3. Payment
  4. Checkout complete

How do I book and pay?
Book and pay for your trip on this website.

What credit cards do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards.

Who can I call if I am experiencing difficulties with my booking?
All purchases are made on this website, but you can call us if you need help with booking or paying. Call this number: +45 36 98 98 38. Our office hours are 10am-4pm (CET) Mondays to Fridays.

How do I register and pay for another participant?
Once you've filled out your own details, click 'submit' and then 'add another participant'.

How do I book a non-runner?
Instead of choosing a running distance, select the 'I am a spectator' option for non-runners. Then fill in the rest of the form and submit.

Do your trips include international flights?
No, our trips all start at the destination with the exception of Polar Circle Marathon which includes round trip flights from Copenhagen to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland.